Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Totally Tim - Older than he was last

Saturday, February 25, 2006. That’s the date of my last post on this blog. It’s been said before that time passes so quickly. It is said so often because it is true. So much has happened in the past 2 and half years and I suppose I regret having missed out on the opportunity to document it on this blog.

Rather then recount the many days and experiences I’ve had since my last entry, let me just start from where I am now.

I have a job – many would say my dream job. In many ways it is. Yet at the end of the day, it is a job. It’s what I get paid, albeit not spectacularly, to do. Do I love it? Compared to a lot of other things I’d imagine doing I guess I do. But then again, I really can’t imagine doing very much else. Perhaps this means I truly have found my calling, my purpose and my duty.

As I read through my previous entries, I’m inclined to dwell back on matters of the heart and the state of my love life. However the truth is, I’m 2 and a half years older than I was when last I blogged, and I think I’ve gotten tired of whinging. It’s actually quite refreshing saying that.

I could spend countless hours tapping at my keyboard, writing down how cupid doesn’t seem to be my friend. I could wear out my laptop with stories and examples on how I’m plagued with feelings for the wrong type of partners and how the objects of my interest do not share my sentiments. But that won’t change a thing.

I’d rather talk about what’s good in my life. I’d rather talk about how I’ve made many friends, of whom a small number have truly proven their loyalty and value to my life.

I’d rather talk about the interesting experiences I get to fill my life with –how Avenue Q was a blast and how I found naked muppets more disturbing than I thought I would.

I’d rather discuss how a charismatic African American grabbed my attention with his energy, poise and eloquence while making his speech after becoming the US president elect.

I’d rather talk about the great food I constantly stuff my face with like the delicious, thin but tasty chicken soup served with my favourite Ramen at Marutama in Central. How the springy noodles go perfectly with the salty yet spicy addictive stock. How the pork belly served with the ramen should be renamed Ambrosia for it certainly fits the term “Food for the Gods” to a tee.

But I will do that another day, at another hour. For I have work to do and a life to lead.

~Totally Tim – Unsatisfied with life, yet unmotivated to whinge about it.