Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Totally Tim - The World as I know it

Greetings blog readers. Welcome to yet another entry that the Timothean Titan known to many as Tim has managed to squeeze out in between his daily, hourly, minute-ly(?) moping sessions.

Life hasn’t been too good as of late and while I’m not so certain I’d like to swap places with anyone else who thinks they’ve got it worse, I think we’re all entitled to our own quota of moping and venting.

Wanna know a secret? Yeah? Do you really? Well come up real close to the screen and I’ll tell you.

Keep Scrolling




Keep Scrolling




Life’s a bitch and anyone who says any different is either high or trying to sell you something.

Ok well maybe that’s not such a secret. And it really isn’t a new discovery to the Tragic one either. I’ve been suffering through a lot of emotional and cognitive dissonance as of late. Anyone who’s taken social psychology or any other psychology subject should understand. If you didn’t, then go look it up!

Basically I’ve just had a lot of internal conflict in the past couple of weeks and I haven’t actually figured out how to deal with it. It’s funny when people ask me about it and I tell them. The next thing they do is ask if I’m coping with it.

Well I dunno about coping. I don’t even know if I’m managing it. Most of the time I believe it’s my troubles that manage me instead of the other way around. So I guess if “coping” means just waiting it out until I feel better, then yeah I guess I am coping. After all as I mentioned earlier, these aren't new and unfamiliar issues I’m going through.

I mean I’ve felt it before and I know at some point I got better so I guess if history shows us anything, I'll get better again. Still I guess the sucky part is that sometimes no matter how many times you go through something, you never quite get used to it. It still bugs you just as much and what’s even suckier is knowing that you’ll probably have to go through it again.

Somebody told me the other day that you only have a certain amount of love in you and every time you go out with someone you give a little of it out and eventually you have no more left to give. As much as I think that’s a brilliant piece of depressive fodder to chew on in masochistic moments, I had to disagree.

I think the amount of love we have in us, is unlimited. As is the amount of pain we go through. It may sound silly but I think as long as you can experience hurt, you can offer love. Because if you think about it, if we couldn’t love, then we wouldn’t really be able to get hurt then would we?

It’s like this Felicity episode I once watched. Oh my God I’m admitting that I actually watched it. Well I didn’t follow it, but I caught a couple of episodes. Man that chick annoys me. Anyway I digress.

In this episode a bunch of the characters managed to get their hearts removed because they were so tired of getting hurt. Of course it worked to some extent as they seemed to be less troubled. However Felicity found out (she was the only one with her heart) that this also means they couldn’t express love or feel it.

Personally, seeing as I haven’t been experiencing much love as of late, maybe I don’t really need a heart after all. After all I could definitely do without the pain and frustration.

Fortunately I’ve rediscovered the Goo Goo Dolls as of late and I found comfort in the wallowing tunes and lyrics of Iris and Name.

I love this line from “Name”. I think it shall adopt it as what I like to call….


“Scars are souvenirs you never lose”

How true is that?

I’ve been told that I don’t listen or that I don’t remember…..

Then I guess I’m fortunate to have these souvenirs to remind me.

~Totally Tim – Looking for someone to take over the lease to his heart.

I'm sorry my time wasn't important enough for you to value.
I'm sorry your commitments to me weren't important enough to honour.
I'm sorry appointments with me weren't important enough for you to keep.
I'm sorry I wasn't important enough to you.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Totally Tim – From Tree Hugger to Tree Lover

Holy crap! The Timothean Titan really enjoys watching Rockstar INXS because it’s great to see a bunch of talented nobodies do a magnificent job with their renditions of some classic songs. Of course it’s funny to laugh at some of them when they don’t pull it off but hey! Even I will admit it takes a large set of grapefruits to just hit the stage and wow the crowd and an international audience on T.V for that matter. Doing a whole bunch of covers with their own personal touch showcases a lot of originality and improvisation and I really respect that and enjoy the resulting songs on a weekly basis. But this week …MAN what a show! The rocker wannabies proved they could not only pull off some of the best songs in rock music history but they even performed their own originals as well and did an amazing job.

But the one that stands out the most was Marty Casey’s original entitled ‘Trees’. I haven’t come across a track that I’ve gotten so obsessed with in such a long time. Not only is it catchy but I suppose the message really hits home to the Tragic One. I’ll let Marty himself explain what the song’s about. This is an excerpt taken off his Rockstar INXS personal space on MSN.

Speaking of the latest show this week, the real estate appraiser (can you believe?!!) says

“We also get to do an original, and I choose my song called "Trees." I wrote the song in New York City after a stressful relationship took a turn for the worse. It was a direct plea for a second chance to renew our love.”

Woah! Yes yours truly has felt that way many an occasion and while I may never have admitted it, deep inside I’ve always screamed out that plea no matter how bad things have gotten and how much my brain logically told me it was best to let go. What can I say? My brain and heart have never seen eye to eye. Fortunately I’ve got legs which quickly walk me away and let my heart deal with the regrets later.

Anyway, enough about me. Back to this awesome song. If there’s anyway for you to get hold of it, do it! Although at this moment downloading it would probably be your best option. And because I love the song so much, Too-Much-Time-Timmy has actually transcribed the lyrics for all to see and sing along. Yes I’ve been listening to it a lot. You’ll have to excuse me if some of the words may not be completely correct, especially the part about the “census” bit. (credit to Viv who has just informed me it's actually "give us the answer") I can’t for the life of me hear what he’s actually singing and this is the closest I could make out.

Without further adieu and for your karaoke-ing pleasure, Totally “Tree-top” Tim presents the lyrics to Marty Casey’s “Trees”.

I don’t want to go through this life
Without you by my side
And I’ve got it all worked out
In my head
Is how it’s got to be
It’ll be you and me up in the trees
And the forest will give us the answer

We we’ll make believe
In a world we rule together
We can build our dreams
We’re the not die type to last forever

It’ll be you and me up in the trees
And the forest will give us the answer
It’ll be you and I up in the sky
It’s a combination for disaster

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!

We got one shot
So where do we go from here

It’ll be you and me up in the trees
And the forest will give us the answer
It’ll be you and I up in the sky
It’s a combination for disaster

And I know
There’s more for us in this life!


And there we go. Hope you enjoyed singing to it as I have. In fact, chances are by the time you read this, I’ll probably still be singing it :P

~Totally Tim –Tripping out to Terrific Tree Tunes

Friday, September 02, 2005

Totally Tim - *Hic* ZZZZZZ! - I wish

Its 4.41 in the afternoon on a Friday and the no-lifer known as Tim has decided to spend the time typing out another entry. Yes it seems that the only time I get so hardworking in filling out this online journals when a) I’m upset about something or b) I have to too much time on my hands.

Well regardless of the reason, I’m still typing away so that’s what’s important, at least to me. I’ve learnt something recently, last night to be exact. I have an unbelievable tolerance to medication. I’ve always known that when it comes to sleeping pills and pain killers, I’ve always needed an extra dose in order to knock me out. I guess I am kind of like an elephant which requires a few tranquilizers to knock it out. Hmm maybe that euphemism strikes a little close to home after all I do see a lovely frames picture of a an elephant on my door. Wait a minute. That’s not a picture. That’s a mirror. Bah!

Anyway back to the story. I tried using some valium last night and lo and behold, it took 3 - 4 doses before I actually fell asleep. That’s right 4 doses. I would imagine that’s enough to send anyone into OD or at least to the hospital but no. Yours truly still managed to wake up 8 hours later. No doubt a little woozy but what the heck! After 4 pills you’d imagine I’d at least sleep till next Sunday. Man I need to find something stronger.

That’s why in my woozy yet very much awake state, the Timothean titan is busy drinking alcohol. But not just any alcohol. No no no! A Bombay Sapphire gin with 7-up to be exact. It’s the best I tell you. Of course there must be some sort of side effect from the combination of valium and alcohol but well, there’s only one way to find out. Besides I’m still typing coherently aren’t I? Well then again I wouldn’t know – all thanks to the wonderful feature of Microsoft’s spell check. Woo hoo! You go Bill!

Ok I’m still alive. Tonight I shall try a new combination. Sleeping pills, alcohol AND a hard punch to the head. If that doesn’t knock me out and give me my much needed dose of unconsciousness, then nothing will. So I need to got to a bar and tell somebody that they’re the most beautiful lady I’ve ever seen. Of course the person has to be a guy. Hee hee! It would at least be worth seeing the look on their face before my vision switches to stars.

Wish me luck readers. I’ll blog you next…probably from a hospital.

Totally Tim - djklfshhkljfdflk

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Totally Tim - Doctory Mockery

So the Timothean returns with a new episode in the on-going soap opera we call life. This time he’s annoyed. Yes he is. But what the heck, Tim is always annoyed about something or other isn’t he? Yeah I guess that’s true. That’s why I designed this blog with the whole purpose to rant. However I’ve since found out that nobody can kick butt better than I. Hence when I feel the need to whinge and wine, why bother going to peons and nobodies for advice when yours truly dishes out the best anyway?

So today, in the hot seat to complain about numerous notions and nutty circumstances we have (applause please) TIM!

And his doctor, council, consigliere and overall ideal advisor (louder applause) Tim!

That’s right my pretties, today Tim (that’s me) shall listen carefully and thoughtfully to yours truly and offer the right responses to me, myself and I.

Tim (patient): So Doctor Tim, I’m feeling troubled.

Tim (doctor): No shit Sherlock. Hurry up and get to it. Time’s a wasting.

Tim (patient): First of all. Why do women perpetually think that they’re the one’s constantly putting up with crap from men, when in actual fact, it is the other way around.

Tim (doctor): How old are you?

Tim (patient): 28

Tim (doctor): Then you’re a 28 year old twit. It’s taken you this long to figure out that women don’t know what they’re talking about?

Tim (patient): No. I mean I guess I just hoped I’d find someone who wasn’t like that.

Tim (doctor): I take that back. You’re not a 28 year old twit. You’re a 28 year old naïve twit! How many times have you found out women are the way they are and then gone out to find another in the belief that you’d find that special person who was different and wasn’t crazy.

Tim (patient): I dunno. Many, many times.

Tim (doctor): And how many times were you successful?

Tim (patient): None.

Tim (doctor): And do you still think you’ll find a woman who isn’t nuts?

Tim (patient): Yes.

Tim (doctor): Then you’re a multi time idiot with potential for more idiocy. I can’t help you. You just refuse to learn and no matter what I say, you’ll always be itching for more hurt. My advice if you’re still intent on continuing this search….medication. Let me write you a prescription.

And that concludes today’s session with Dr. Tim. Stay tuned for the next episode when he tries to help a patient who actually believes in true love.

~Totally Tim – Searching for his medical degree

P.S – Some parting words from Doctor Tim, “Why does the average married male die before his wife? Because he wants to. It’s called escape. Same reason why dinosaurs went extinct. They figured it was better to die millions of years before the species known as ‘woman’ drove them insane. Guys, do yourself a favour and pray for an ice age real soon.”