Sunday, July 18, 2004

Lord Of The Blogs - The Return Of The Tim

Wow it’s definitely been while eh? Yeah almost a month since my last entry and boy has a lot happened since. 2 reasons for the major lag.
No 1 – I moved out of my apartment to a friend’s place (who didn’t have internet access) in the final weeks of my stay in Melbourne.
No 2 – Laziness.
I didn’t say they were good reasons.
Anyway as you might have gathered, I have made my long awaited return to the land of sun, sand and si – bey hotness. Do I miss Melbourne? Well probably not as much as a lot of other people I know. Then again I was only there for a year and I knew I was just there for that tacky little degree and jet back home. I do miss the weather there, although it was supposed to start hailing the day I left. Then again, I’d pick falling ice balls from the sky to having to eat ice balls at the local food centre to stay remotely cool in this oven we call home. You can imagine how extreme the switch is, going from frigid winter to .. this. 
I also miss a few friends I’d made in the land of Roos. They know who they are so I don’t have to name names. After all a blog is not a cheesy dedication radio programme. Although if it was, it would probably go something like this.
Blog DJ: (In super Fako Ang Moh Accent) Howdy! You’re locked awn (have you noticed they can’t pronounce ‘on’ properly?) Blog F.M The  ____(Insert adjective here. eg. Coolest, Hottest, Best, etc) station of the nation.
Blogger: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Sharp piercing noise cos many radio listeners are too stupid to switch of their radios when they are on air causing major feedback)
Blog DJ: So who would you like to daddykate the next song to?
Blogger: To all my flens in Melbourne Australia. Thanks for the memories and good times. Stay cool and funky and friends forever!
On a serious note. Thanks and I love you guys.
Okay pic cher and story time.
One day there were 2 very cool guys. One of whom had surprisingly big nostrils.

They decided to take a road trip up to the mountains. So they woke up early and set out to rent a bitchin’ set of wheels.

Unfortunately they were all out of bitchin’ wheels and we had to settle for this ride instead.

Vroom vroom!

It was 4 hour drive up to this place called the Grampians. On the way, they saw lots of these.

They also found out why we don’t see elephants everywhere we look.

When our two heroes reached their destination, they learnt 2 very important lessons.
1 – Going sightseeing in the mountains is a good idea.

2 – Going in the rainy foggy winter isn’t

That’s almost all they could see with all the fog everywhere.

Undaunted, the two geniuses decided they were going to come back with proper photos anyway. So they created their own interesting situations.

We call this…the Ponderous Series!

Okay well that’s all for today’s story. Special thanks to Dawn and Andrew for getting me off my ass and back to blogging. It’s good to be home.
Typically Tim – Totally Trying To Tolerate This Terrible Temperature.


At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe....saw your photoshoped pic....actually thought the pic looked a little strange at first (before I knew it was edited) hehehe..... :) am I hehehe-ing a little too much here?? hehehe....

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Timmy Tim Tim said...

Yes. A photoshop savvy friend told me he could perform the miraculous by making me look thin. apparantly miracles arent his forte after all.


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