Monday, June 14, 2004

TADA! Tim's A-Z's Lagi Satu!

Hello hello. I initially promised myself i was going to update my blog as regularly as I could. However today my enthusiastic blog ethic was beginning to slip. Fortunately it was quickly sorted out with the wake up call it needed. Literally. I'd slept right through the day and if not for a phone call to wake me up, I'd still be asleep and unable to make this entry.

They say life can be a cold and dark place. It certainly seems that way during winter...especially if you sleep right through the Sunday and miss any sunlight completely.

On an even darker note, I just realised I've got one more assingment that I've got to complete before I can say I've completely climbed out of that deep dark hole I call school life.

But that's not gonna stop me from making the ludicrous lala that this blog is supposed to be offering to the world...or to anybody free enough to read them.

So once again, Ladies and Gentlemen, and those who consider themselves both....(drumroll)...Tim's A-Z's (yes yes i haven't thought of a more creative name yet)

Rant's, raves, and ridiculous representations...from a Timothean perspective

A - Any time you have a dream where you're barefoot and trying to find shoes...chances are, it means you need to do some Sole Searching

B – Bras are like socks. Think about this. If you had no feet, would you bother wearing socks? So why do you reckon so many chicks wear bras?

C – CAREER is a term that kills passion. Find something you luv doing and u'll realise getting paid is just a bonus. Don’t turn it into a ‘job’

D – Death surprisingly still inspires fear and dread despite such certainty and consistency. U'd think we’d be used to something as natural as farting and burping.

E – Eating chicken Rice would be really swell now. Ooh the days at the Pow Sing chicken rice stall in Serangoon Gardens. Memories.

F – Fantasia won American Idol. *sigh* How nice it would have been if Jasmine had been the first Asian American Idol. *sigh* How nice it would have been if my life wasn't so sad that I actually speant sunday nights at home watching American idol.

G – Goldilocks is an unhealthy fairy tale for young minds. The promoting of illegal entry, property damage and frolicking in strange beds can only lead to a prison term.

H –Home is where the heart is. Mine is in Singapore while the rest of me is in Melbourne.

I –Impression of someone caught in a perpetual cycle of repetition. Impression of someone caught in a perpetual cycle of repetition. Impression of someone caught in a perpetual cycle of repetition.

J – I’ve never had a girlfriend whose name started with that letter.Although if I remember correctly, I had my 1st crush in pre primary
over a 'Jennifer'. Anyway .. any Jemmimah’s or J-namers interested?

K – Koala Bears are not really bears. As a child with an unimpressive spelling ability, I was quite upset when I found out they weren’t made out of ‘Cola’ as initially thought.

L – LOVE is sometimes the foulest and most painful four letter word you can hear.

M – Mama’s Boy and damn proud of it. I hope to find a wife who inspires that same feeling in my kids.

N – Naming ur children is an unbelievably important decision with effects lasting a liftime. If u don’t want to risk any future resentment, come up with an alternative much worse in comparison to ur final choice. I used
to hate the name Timothy until I discovered I was almost called Valarian.

O – Opposites Attract. No not the theory. The Paula Abdul song. 90’s pop rocks!

P – Phoebe. Ooh Alyssa Milano is so hot in Charmed. I’m definitely under that witch’s spell.

Q – Quote: “I had to see you after all this time. Part of me wants to prove ur no longer the same girl I fell in love with. Another part is hoping you are. And everything else tells me that whether u are or not, I'd still fall in love with u all over again.” <---original line to be used in the cheesy romantic comedy I dream of someday creating!

R – Romance is a pretentious term used by Wankers to showcase and prove their ability to attain love from another. If 2 people truly love each other, all the signs, practices, choices and descriptions associated with love will be naturally reflected in their entire being. Hence, making redundant, our man-made, socially twisted, and commercially exploited concept of Romance. (ooh now, does tim sound jaded?)

S – Song I sang last: I unfortunately chanced upon a NKOTB(if u dun noe what that is then never mind)music video and found Jordan Knight’s lyrics passing my lips.

T - Time I started waking up before 2 pm. Being the start of winter, this means I only see 2 hours of sunlight a day.

U - Unknown facts about me are not very abundant I'd imagine. My life's an open book with hardly anything u wouldn’t learn thru an everyday conversation with me. Anyways after reading this much, Im sure it’s a case of too much info.

V – Vegetables are God's way of punishing me. Why does something so good for the body have to taste so bad...Ick!

W – Women are all creatures of Class. Sometimes LOW CLASS but Class nonetheless :p

X – Xena Warrior Princess. I miss the show. Lots of eye candy and requires no concentration or even volume. Like Baywatch.

Y – Yosemite Sam from the Bugs Bunny Cartoons looks a lot like the cop from the Village People. Hmmm....that would explain why he was always creeping up on Bugs from behind....

Z- "Zipper D doo dah. Zipper D day. My O my what a wonderful day." Remember that song? Honestly..any guy can tell you. If you zippered your 'doodah', it would not be such a wonderful day.

And there you go! that completes another edition of Tim's (audience goes silent) A-Z's! (Audience roars and applauses! <---probably not at the title).

Those of you on my Friendster list may find some of today's A-Z's familiar. Fine I confess. I didn't have time to come up with a completely brand new list. So rather than bitch about it, just be glad that you were treated to somewhat of a preview first! Hah!

A few people who saw the previous photo of me in an earlier blog post have voiced out their dissaproval of my Farah Fawcett hairdo. Like I care what people think of my hair. Bah! Peasants! Nonetheless, in order to please my public (3 days of blogging and he's already got a big head) I have decided to adopt another hairdo. Using my creativity..(and lack of funds available for a decent stylist)..and my high grade hair dressing tools (actually just fingers and water)I present.....TADA!

 Posted by Hello

Ok! Ok! So I admit I look like an extra off the set of the second season of "Growing Up". Fingers and Water only mah! You expect Vidal Sassoon results ar?

Anyhoo. That's all the Tittlating Typing for Totally Tim Today.

Till tommorrow, take care and Tim Out.


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