Friday, June 11, 2004

Woo Hoo!

It's finally happened. It didn't even take any alcohol, romance or any sort of seduction. In fact, it didn't even last as long as I thought. Nonetheless, I'm sure my life will never be the same again. Does this make me a shameful person? Have all the years in a Christian boy's school taught me nothing? Not even married, and I've lost it. The V-word never seemed like such a big deal before. I guess it's just a case of not realising what you had until its gone.

What will my friends think when they find out that I've lost my Blog-virginity? I've evidently succumbed to the temptations of the virtual-flesh and given myself to Please be gentle.

On a happier note, I'm done with school! Yeehar! No more school......quite possibly for LIFE!!!! Of course they say learning doesn't end with school. It's a lifelong process. HOGWASH!!!! No more school! No more school! I'll never have to do another stinking essay again. I can finally allow my vocabulary to go to shit and be thrilled that I'll never have to use terms like 'Bibliography' and 'Cited References' ever again! Come! Rejoice along with the Thrilled Timothean One! (That would be me by the way. Watching too much WWE wrestling has influenced me into referring to myself in the third person)

Of course if I fail any of my subjects I'll just have to kill myself or plunge back into the land of Mr BoBo and Miss Lala and the rest of the characters in our PEP Primary School textbooks who beleive that school is a fun place and homework only serves to make you a better person. It's a place I call HELL.

Then again, in Tim's tragic tale of turmoil(as you can tell I like doing that alot)the end of something stressful like school is just the beginning of something stressful like FINDING A JOB! Of course unless anyone reading this is looking to gratiously and altruistically (Spelling correct or not ar?) finance a young, talented, hard working, motivated, inspired individual. Although if you were to do that, chances are there wouldn't be any need or opportunity to witness those qualities so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. After all, you can trust me. I'm Tall Dark and Handsome! Hahahah I'm just kidding......I'm not tall. But I am modest and humble.

Oooh that's quite a bit for a first entry isn't it? Think I should stop now and go hand up the essay which has kept me awake for the past 30 hours. That would totally suck if i finished it, came to school, and forgot to hand it up because I was basically losing my virginity to a web address. Then again is probably in many ways much more worthy than some of the chicks I've seen my friends lose it to.

Haha! In my next entry I shall describe why a blog is better than a girlfriend. Stay tuned.

Till then, take care.

Tim - Typically Tragic and Totally Trying.


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