Monday, June 14, 2004

Way to go Einstein...

LOSER! Tim you are such a LOSER! A Loo loo loo loo LOSER!

That's me speaking in the third person again ala WWE style. On a Loserness scale of 1-10, yours truly just scored triple digits.

So here's the story. Braniac here had an assignement to hand up on Friday. He didn't manage to finish it on time. So Sunday night he gets no sleep so that he can finish it up. He might have been able to get some rest if he hadn't speant a majority of the time posting the previous entry on the blog. So hurrah! He finally finishes the final assignment of the year. Pleased with himself, the hero in our story takes a shower, braves the stormy weather and leaves for school.

So far so good. Upon reaching his destination, Goofy here realises its A PUBLIC FRIGGIN HOLIDAY AND THE OFFICES ARE CLOSED!!!!!

(deep breath) 1, 2, 3. Everybody together now. LOOOOOOOOSER!!!!!!!

So not only do I miss more marks because of late work, I have to come to school again tomorrow to hand it up. What did I tell you? Is the Typical Tale of Totally Tim not Tragically Turmultuous?

Man I feel so Enigma right now. Y'know..Enigma? Y'know...Sadness part 1 and part 2? *sigh* Well that was a failed attempt at being witty. Maybe if I wasn't such a NIT WIT!

As you can tell I'm being awfully self-degrading here. That's your cue to send me a mail, message, comment to tell the Timothean one that he's actually a really great and smart guy along with other ego (or head) inflating info. Yes, desperate situations call for desperate measures.

Anyhoo I was thinking about today............its a great word isnt it? "Today". I mean without it, you'd always be too late or too early for things. Ok that was a pretty stupid joke. Or as they say in England "That was a pretty stupid joke"

"Tim you need to get a life and a chick that will appreciate your corny lame sense of humour! So you better start looking for a magic lamp with a Genie pronto."

- Totally Tim. Totally Topsy Turvey.


At 4:39 PM, Blogger JellyGirl said...

hurhurhur...sorry, but I find it funny. It's ok, that sounds like the sort of thing I would do. :P


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